Added a config option to enable/disable horde battles with hordesEnabled.Added New Items: Purple Juice, Red Juice, Yellow Juice, Blue Juice, Green Juice, Pink Juice.Added New Ultra Dark Blocks: Plank, Stairs, Slab, Double Slab.Added New Ultra Jungle Blocks: Plank, Stairs, Slab, Double Slab.Added New Music Disc + Song (Twinleaf Town)Īdded New Decoration Blocks: Bookshelf, House Lamp, Desk, Work Desk, Couch.Added Litwick Candle & Litwick Candles Blocks.Added New AssetManager Features! More information found below.Added Fakemon Support for up to 50 Fakemons! More information found below.Fixed Terrain Pulse not changing typing based on Terrain.Fixed NPC Trainers erroring on initial creation.Fixed a crash with the move Disable on servers sometimes occuring.Fixed Burn Up permanently removing Fire Type, rather than temporarily (caused capture bug).Fixed crash with Generations Group json spelling Ho-Oh incorrectly.Fixed NPC Editor requiring OP & permission node.Fixed Toxic overwriting moves with semi-invulnerability.Fixed issues when catching a Mega Rayquaza.Fixed Mirror Armor activating when it shouldn't.Fixed IceFace & FakemonRevealed abilities able to be copied.Fixed Beak Blast not being a charging move.Fixed Power Of Alchemy & Receiver not functioning at all.Fixed Corrosion removing typing, rather than temporarily replacing.

Fixed Pokemon with different forms unable to learn moves they should.Fixed Shore Up not healing based on weather conditions.Fixed Parental Bond bypassing Shield Dust.Fixed Fakeout not working after switching in.Fixed Clangorous Soul activating when HP is below 30%.Fixed Galvanize changing all moves to Electric.Fixed Dancer user's chosen move dealing no damage if opponent is faster.Fixed some visual HP bugs occuring due to horde checks.Fixed Players getting dismounted after battles.Fixed Abra teleporting away in battle when under Mean Look.Fixed Pikachu Libre not learning Flying Press.Fixed moves being incompatible with species when it shouldn't (was case sensitive and some moves returned no space in multi-word names).Fixed Imposter/Transform not copying stats of the opposing Pokemon.Fixed Pokemon Duping/Vanishing under rare circumstances.Fixed Sphere Icons, Pass Icons, Ribbon Icons, and Symbol Icons not being x16 textures like other CustomIcons.Fixed Emergency Exit activating constantly after each hit.